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At Garces, we are aware of the ever new and expanding disciplines in science and business. The Garces Mathematics Department feels a strong foundation in mathematics is essential to meeting the challenges of a technology-oriented world. The study of mathematics will emphasize reasoning, logic, accuracy, reliability, and the utilization of technology. This develops the intellectual powers of the Garces student, not only for mathematics, but also for other fields.


The Garces Memorial Math Department recognizes what an exciting time this is to be teaching mathematics. Changes in technology, including computers and calculators, have altered the way in which mathematics is being taught. The department strives to keep current with new trends in teaching without forsaking the fundamentals upon which all mathematical knowledge and problem solving is based. In the more advanced courses, students are required to be well-versed in the use of graphing technology while this technology is presented to students at all levels. 

The Math Department offers a college preparatory and an Honors/Advanced Placement sequence for students. More importantly however, is the individual attention and help provided to students. Teachers are available at various times for extra help and students are able to receive extra assistance as needed and deserved. 

Graduation Requirements

All Students who graduate from Garces Memorial High School must successfully complete 3 years of Mathematics.
Students must complete a minimum of Algebra 2 (P). 4 years of mathematics is strongly recommended. 

Mathematics Course Catalog

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