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We Take Safety Seriously

Our world can be a scary and sometimes dangerous place, but Garces isn’t. While the Church is called to be in the world, and not of the world, it’s impossible to be completely separate, especially while having a community-centered mindset. That’s why we have these things in place to ensure our students are protected and safe during their formative years.

School Grounds Security

  • The GMHS campus is fenced and all gates are locked during school hours.
  • GMHS is protected by Secure Systems Alarms 24 hours a day. 
  • The campus is supervised by security personnel daily.
  • All gates are locked during school hours.
  • GMHS has security cameras in place throughout the school.  The cameras are monitored by the front desk, and all administrators have access to monitor the cameras.
  • Anyone (students, parents, deliveries, etc.) entering the campus once the gates are locked must ring a buzzer at the front gate.  The front desk clerk must observe the visitor on camera and release the locking mechanism for the individual to have access to the Administration Office. 
  • A second locked gate prevents a visitor or student from entering the main campus grounds without going through the Administration Office. 
  • At the conclusion of classes pedestrian gates and student parking gates are opened. 
  • The front gate closes at 4:30 pm.
  • At least one student parking gate will remain open until the conclusion of athletics and activities. 
  • All gates will be locked each evening at the conclusion of activities and the school’s security system is armed.
  • Additional security officers are added for athletics, activities and special events as needed.
  • Bakersfield Police and Halls Ambulance are contracted for security and medical aid during home football games.
  • Classroom doors are secured with keypad entries, and the entire school can be locked down via cellular phone.

Student Safety

  • During passing periods, lunch, and break times Administrators, and Faculty monitor the quad and school grounds supervising students.
  • Bathrooms and other isolated areas are monitored and checked regularly.
  • All visitors must report through the Administration Office.
  • Fire drills, earthquake drills, and lockdown drills occur throughout the year.
  • Administrators, faculty, and staff are trained annually on the GMHS Emergency Operation Plan, including active shooter, emergency lockdown, fire drills, and other disasters. 
  • All administrators, faculty, staff, coaches, and others who have access and interaction with students must complete safe school training, CPR training, and complete background checks.
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