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Hall of Honor

2025 Hall of Honor

The Garces Memorial Alumni Board is accepting nominations for the 2025 Hall of Honor. If you know of someone who is deserving of being recognized for their support of Garces or for their accomplishments as an alumnus of Garces Memorial, please nominate them. The Alumni Board will accept nominations until May 31, 2025.

2024 Hall of Honor

The Garces Alumni Board held the 2024 Hall of Honor on Thursday, November 16th, at Luigi's Warehouse. It was another memorable evening full of wonderful speeches about how much our little school on the hill means to so many in the community. This year’s inductees were: 

  • Don Lucas
  • Janie (Clerou) Reiland ‘65
  • Mary Trichell
  • Andrew Zaninovich

The Garces Alumni Legacy Award will be presented to The Edith & Domenick Bianco Family.

Four years ago, we introduced the "Dessert Dash," we are thrilled to share that this year, we raised over $28,000 for the Alumni Scholarship Fund to help the children of Garces alumni afford Garces tuition.

Check out the 2024 program to read about each of the inductees.

Thank you to our sponsors:

Inductee Sponsor Level
Steve & Kari Anderson
A+ Shredding/Joe Antongiovanni ‘89
Melissa Fortune ‘72 & Bruce Beretta
Gene Bonas ‘57
Chain Cohn Clark/Chris Hagan
Hail Mary Club
Jane & Bruce Haupt ‘75
Terri & Steve Haupt ‘77
Diane Lake in honor of Edith & Cookie Bianco
Marianne Laxague ‘58
Luigi’s Restaurant & Delicatessen
Mission Bank
David & Jenny (Maitia) Poncetta ‘70
Sangera Automotive Group
Courtney Tobias ‘92 & Justin Tobias ‘91

Award Sponsor Level
In memory of Shirley Durrett ‘53
Shelley & Michael Georgino ‘75
Vince & Meggan (Sill) Phillips ‘75
Tom Werdel ‘53

Program Sponsor Level
Tom Anchordoquy ‘66
Sandy & George Clerou ‘76
Terri Collins ‘72
Joe Colombo ‘68
Joan Garibaldi
Germaine Jacobs ‘74 & Chris Jacobs ‘74
Arnold Cattani ‘64
Fran & Gregg Gunner ‘66
McMurtrey Lince, Inc.
Debra & Jim Sakowski ‘70
Barbara & Al Sandrini ‘57
Susan Swertfager ‘71 & Tom Swertfager ‘69
Jan Tozzi in honor of Edith & Cookie Bianco
Ted & Kati (Anspach) Whittington ‘77
Avon Wonderly ‘60 & Bill Wonderly ‘58 in honor of Edith & Cookie Bianco

2023 Hall of Honor

The Garces Memorial Alumni Board inducted four exceptional individuals and one outstanding family into the 15th annual Garces Memorial Hall of Honor on November 16, 2023. The awards banquet was held at Luigi’s Restaurant. Proceeds from the Hall of Honor go to the Garces Alumni Scholarship Fund to help with the cost of tuition for students who are children, or grandchildren, of Garces alumni. The master of ceremonies was Alumni Board Chairman Gregg Gunner ’66. The 2022 inductees were:

  • Mr. Damon Culbertson
  • Mr. Steve Lewis ‘64
  • Mr. Rich Romo ‘70
  • Mr. Jeremy Tobias ‘84

The Garces Alumni Legacy Award will be presented to Laura & Mike Etcheverry.

In addition to the awards ceremony, the Alumni Board held a “Dessert Dash” and raised an additional $25,000 for the Garces Alumni Scholarship Fund. 

Thank you to our sponsors:

Inductee Sponsor Level
Steve & Kari Anderson
Anthony Vineyards
A+ Shredding/Joe Antongiovanni ‘89
Janet & Steven Antongiovanni ‘76
Christiane (Arduain) Camou ‘93
Eleanor Etcheverry
Paige Etcheverry-Barnes ‘86
Nanette Etcheverry ‘96 & John Etcheverry ‘88
Melissa Fortune ‘72 & Bruce Beretta
Kathy Gargan‘69- Gargan-Harrison Families
Michael Georgino ‘75
Hail Mary Club
Germaine Jacobs ‘74 & Chris Jacobs ‘74
Marianne Laxague ‘58
Jennifer Lewis ‘91
Luigi’s Restaurant & Delicatessen
Jenny (Maitia) Poncetta ‘70
Bernadette Root ‘78
Melanie Sanghera ‘83
Raji Sanghera ‘87
Courtney Tobias ‘92 & Justin Tobias ‘91

Award Sponsor Level
Joe Colombo ‘68
Moneywise Wealth Management
Lazzerini Family Foundation
Mission Bank
Mary Trichell

Program Sponsor Level
Debra & Jim Sakowski ‘70
Susan Swertfager ‘71 & Tom Swertfager ‘69
Tom & Mary Berry ‘79
Jon & Domenique Buck ‘77
Sandy & George Clerou ‘76
Amy Ming ‘86 & Tom Ming ‘88
Thomas-Cattani Inc.
Fran & Gregg Gunner ‘66
Laura & Kevin Pascoe ‘71
Kenneth M. Peters CLU ‘50
Mary Ann Putman ‘75 & Family

2022 Hall of Honor

The Garces Memorial Alumni Board inducted four exceptional individuals and one outstanding family into the Garces Memorial Hall of Honor on September 8, 2022. The awards banquet was held at Luigi’s Restaurant. The 2022 inductees were:

  • Dr. Tom Berry
  • Mrs. Joan (Haller) Finch ‘87
  • Mr. Ed Hearn
  • Mrs. Jenny (Maitia) Poncetta ‘70

The Garces Alumni Award recipient was the Kari & Steve Anderson Family.

Thank you to our sponsors:

Inductee Sponsor Level
A+ Shredding/Joe Antongiovanni ‘89
Janet & Steven Antongiovanni ‘76
Melissa Fortune ‘72 & Bruce Beretta
Kathy Gargan‘69 & John Gargan ‘69
Hail Mary Club
Monica & Jackson Hering
Marianne Laxague ‘58
Luigi’s Restaurant & Delicatessen
Sangera Auto Group
Courtney Tobias ‘92 & Justin Tobias ‘91
Thomas H. Werdel Jr. ‘53
Wool Grower’s Restaurant

Award Sponsor Level
Judy & Tom Franconi ‘52
Shelley & Mike Georgino ‘75
Bill Lazzerini
Mission Bank
Sill Properties
Mary Trichell

Program Sponsor Level
Arnold Cattani ‘64
Clerou Tire Company/George Clerou ‘76
Laura Etcheverry ‘77 & Mike Etcheverry ‘77
Fran & Gregg Gunner ‘66
Germaine Jacobs ‘74 & Chris Jacobs ‘74
James “Ed” Noriega ‘65
Kenneth M. Peters CLU ‘50
Bernadette Root ‘78
Debra & Jim Sakowski ‘70
Susan Swertfager ‘71 & Tom Swertfager ‘69
Les & Susan Walker-Burson

2021 Hall of Honor

The Garces Memorial Alumni Board inducted five outstanding individuals into the Garces Memorial Hall of Honor on September 9, 2021. The awards banquet was held at Luigi’s Restaurant. The 2021 inductees were:

  • Vince Fanucchi ‘67
  • Donna James
  • Mark Brown
  • Kevin Pascoe ‘71
  • Gordon Westhoff

The Garces Alumni Award was The Jan & Tim Sullivan Family.

Thank you to our sponsors:

Inductee Sponsor Level
Melissa Fortune ‘72 & Bruce Beretta
Shelley & Mike Georgino ‘75
Robert Grimm Family Foundation
Hail Mary Club
Marianne Laxague ‘58
LeBeauThelen LLP
Luigi’s Restaurant & Delicatessen
Jenny ‘89 & Robert Waguespack MD

Award Sponsor Level
A+ Shredding
Kathy‘69 & John Gargan ‘69
Mission Bank
Sill Properties
Mary Trichell
Thomas H. Werdel Jr. ‘53

Program Sponsor Level
Tom Anchordoquy ‘65
Arnold Cattani ‘64
Clerou Tire Company
Judy & Tom Franconi ‘52
Fran & Gregg Gunner ‘66
John-Paul Lake ‘97
Kenneth M. Peters CLU ‘50
Debra & Jim Sakowski ‘70
Wool Grower’s Restaurant

2020 Hall of Honor

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the Garces Memorial Alumni Board had to cancel the 2020 Hall of Honor. All 2020 nominations were carried forward and considered for induction for the 2021 Hall of Honor.

2019 Hall of Honor

The Garces Alumni Board inducted the following individuals into the Garces Memorial Hall of Honor:

  • Mr. Gene Bonas ‘57
  • The late Gregory Boylan ‘70
  • Mr. Tom Franconi ‘52
  • Mr. Bernie LeBeau
  • Mr. Ken Peters ‘50

The 2019 Garces Alumni Award was presented to the Mary & David Fanucchi Family.

Thank you to our sponsors:

Inductee Sponsor Level
LeBeauThelen LLP
Melissa Fortune & Bruce Beretta
Mike & Shelley Georgino
Hail Mary Club

Award Sponsor Level
Mission Bank
Mrs. Mary Trichell
Mr. Tom Werdel ‘53
Ms. Marianne Laxague ‘58
Barbara & Al Sandrini ‘57

Program Sponsor Level
Mazzei-Franconi Co., LLC
Wool Grower’s Restaurant

2018 Hall of Honor

Hall of Honor

On Thursday, September 6th, the Garces Alumni Board held its annual Hall of Honor Awards Banquet and inducted:

  • Mr. John Fanucchi ’68
  • Mr. Joe Munoz ’54
  • Mr. John Roberts ’72
  • Mr. Leroy Sacchini

The 2018 Garces Alumni Award was presented to two legacy families:  The Larry & Shirley Gargan and Joe & Barbara Harrison Families.

If you would like to nominate someone for the 2019 Hall of Honor, please complete the nomination form and turn it in by March 15, 2019.  The 2019 Hall of Honor Awards Ceremony will once again be part of Holy Bowl Week at Garces and will be held on Thursday, September 5, 2019.

Thank you to our sponsors:

Inductee Sponsor Level
SC Anderson, Inc.

Award Sponsor Level
Mission Bank

Program Sponsor Level
Mazzei-Franconi, LLC

2017 Hall of Honor

On Saturday, April 29th, 2017, Garces Memorial honored four very distinguished and deserving alumni by inducting them into the Garces Hall of Honor.  They were:

  • The late Mrs. Yolanda (Papasergia) Griffiths '51
  • Mr. Frank Maitia Jr. '60
  • Mr. Arnold Cattani '64
  • Mr. Tom Anchordoquy '65

The legacy family honored with the Garces Alumni Award was The Mac and Stella McMurtrey Family.

Thank you to our sponsors:

Inductee Sponsor Level
Famoso Nut Company

Award Sponsor Level
Mission Bank
B & B Surplus
Mr. Michael Georgino '75
ASU & Associates

Program Sponsor Level
Wool Grower's Restaurant
Mazzei-Franconi Co.
Mr. Al Sandrini '57
Dr. David Hare '94/Bakersfield Eye Institute

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